
Monday, October 8, 2012

The Cadence of the Dead - Part Three

42 months ago:
Just before the bullet left the gun, I heard, “Wait!” BLAM! My fingers then went numb and my mouth fell to ground, opened wide in amazement. I slowly muttered, “A human...” I heard a scream, “No! What the hell did you do?!” Before thinking any further, I was knocked unconscious.
The dreams visited me once again, but this time, they came rushing toward me…without time for me to decipher each flash and each meaning. The images invaded my mind, filling my head with even more memories, but some of those memories actually started to piece themselves together. The major revealing piece was that I had a daughter. It was such a certain image, and the crayons under the bed at my house were obviously hers. The missing pictures in my photo album contained her beautiful face, as well as my mother’s. The last time I remember hearing from them was when Jacob, along with my mother and daughter went out to supper and were on their way home. Jacob called me to make sure I put in the next load of laundry. I stayed home to catch up on my work. When he called, it was raining. I heard my mom in the background singing my little girl to sleep. Jacob told me he was five minutes away and that he brought back leftovers. That certain memory stopped there, but it told me a lot. How could I have forgotten about my own daughter? What happened to her and my mom? And, why is there nearly no trace of them ever being at my house or even in my life? None of those questions would be answered soon and it was extremely difficult to verbalize what I felt during that dream. I started remembering a lot after I was knocked out, more and more each dream; deeper and deeper, as I fell into complete darkness. For a long time, I never exactly remembered why I ran away from my father. I just knew I hated him, with every fiber of my being. I was terrified of him and he rarely spoke to me, but when he did, it was to tell me that he was going away on another one of his long trips.  He was never there for my mother and I. His little business trips would last for up to a year sometimes and he lived out of his car more than his own home. I got pregnant right before he left for his year-long trip, and even had the baby while he was still gone. If my dad knew what happened, he would’ve killed Jacob. He was very protective and didn’t want me getting knocked up like any other father; except, he was a dangerous man and had anger problems to make it even worse. 

Present Day:
“Eric, why did you let her in here, there’s a horde out there!” A blond woman said angrily toward the man who questioned my humanity. “She’ll kill us all, with the noise we’ve just made rescuing her!” “Hush!” Eric shouted at her for making such a ridiculous remark. “We haven’t seen anyone new for weeks now! We need as many people as we can get for our trip, you know that.” The blond woman immediately backed down. Wait, did I just hear trip? I instantly spurted out, “You can’t make me go anywhere with you people!” A guy who introduced himself as Darian snapped back saying, “You don’t really have a choice sweetheart. You either stay with us or you rot with these damn Puppets. We’re not going to force you to come, but we have a plan.” I looked around the room and there was a little girl and boy huddling in the corner observing all conversation and chaos. There are about 5 people in this group. They obviously can’t stay here too much longer and I don’t see any food or anything to sustain their needs. There’s excretion in the corners of every wall and the odors of death are especially poignant in this room. These kids need to get out of here. Eric seemed to be the leader because he started introducing everyone to me. “As you may know, my name is Eric Sanders. Those are my kids in the corner that you’re staring at.” He then pointed to his right, “That’s Darian and Sony. Now, that we’re all acquainted, do you know the area of this city? I think there’s a boat dock about a mile from here. Do you know where I’m talking about? We need to get to the docks and find a boat that will carry all 6 of us, that is…if you still want to be included.” I nodded in agreement to go with these people but I’m definitely watchful of them. “I’ll go with you, under one condition. I don’t have anything with me. I have no way to defend myself. I could really use a knife or a gun. Can you at least give me that?” They all looked around at each other and then looked at me all in unison. “Yes, but we’re guessing that you know how to use these things.” His eyes looked downward and to his left at Darian. Darian was holding a G22 .40 caliber. He gave me the gun and I dropped the mag and locked back the slide to check the chamber. “There are only three bullets in here.” Darian was surprised enough that I knew how anything about a gun; moreover, he was startled that I didn’t find it to be suitable enough for me. “Yeah, we’re in kind of short supply..” We only have two guns, including the one you’re holding. They’re both Glocks and both have the same amount of bullets in them. That’s all I can give you. We have an axe too, if you’d rather have that.” I looked at the gun I was holding and decided that I better accept what I have already and just use the bullets wisely. “The gun is fine. If you all want to leave, we need to leave tomorrow morning. We don’t want it to be dark because it would affect our vision of what surrounds us. We need to be careful, it’s gotten worse since the last time you’ve been out there, I can promise that. Are we all agreed?” Eric looked around at everybody and said, “Agreed. We leave first thing tomorrow morning.” The room we’re staying in isn’t very big. It looks like it used to be an office of some kind but we obviously entered the side door. There’s a small room with a bunch of paper work all scattered around. There were some creepy ass naked baby dolls on a bookshelf and a picture on the ground of an older lady with her cat. This office obviously belonged to a crazy person. It was getting dark and I used a book as a head rest and sprawled out on the ground, slowly drifting off to sleep, with my new gun in my hands.

42 months ago: 

My mom packed our bags and we rented a small motel room and stayed there for a while, but then dad come home and was enraged. What my mother and I didn’t know was that my dad had planted a tracking device underneath my mom’s car. He found us just as I was reading a bedtime story to my baby. He went door to door banging and yelling out our names. Mom told me to hide and I took the baby and ran into my temporary bedroom, remembering that the closets were too small, so I hid in the bathroom and locked the door. My mom ran outside to try and calm him down but he was so angry and he started accusing her of cheating and abandoning him because of it. Little did he know, that wasn’t even close to being the reason as to why we left. I was so scared to have that baby, in fear of my dad’s dramatic reaction and it turns out I was right on it being unnecessarily terrifying. He barged through our door, with mom pulling at him not to go in. The image I had in my head of him coming through the doorway reminded of one of those creepy, classic horror movies where the killer is carrying a stereotypical axe or weapon by his side, ready to kill. He would never hurt me, but he’s very protective and has major anger issues, like I said before. He yelled for me to come out and I looked at my child, kissed her goodbye and gave her a pacifier to be distracted. I closed the bathroom door and went out to face my dad. I approached him and told him mostly lies. I told him I got pregnant and that I lost the baby my miscarriage. I told him mom didn’t want to deal with his crazy reaction in fear of him hurting the guy who knocked me up and that she finally wants a divorce. My mom started uncontrollably sobbing and just silently said, “You’re not the man I married anymore.” I knew that no matter what answers we gave him, that he’d force me to go back with him and leave my mother here. To make the situation even worse, my daughter was in a closed bathroom as I prayed for her not to utter a sound, and Jacob was on his way over to our motel room as he went out an hour before to get groceries. I was just lucky that any trace of Jacob was in our bedroom and that we were in the living room. I frantically agreed to leave with my dad as tears ran down my face, when at the same moment we heard a chuckle. A few seconds after we heard it, we saw a little girl walk by with her dad as they laughed and ate ice cream on the way back to their room. To a mother, it’s easy to decipher a baby’s laugh from any kind of laugh. That little girl was at least 6 years old, and my daughter was just about a year old.  My dad automatically assumed that the chuckling was from that girl, but like I said, there’s no other laugh like a baby’s laugh. I guess it’s a good thing he’s not a mother, or a female for that matter. He wasn’t able to discern that difference and it was the only thing comforting me at that moment. I hugged my mother goodbye and told her, “She’s in my bathroom. Tell Jacob to never give up on her and that I’m sorry…I love you guys.” As I turned the corner, I looked at what I was leaving behind and wept and my father lead me to his car.

Present Day:

I wake up to a fight going on among two of the group members, Sony and Eric. I can’t make out every detail but it seems like she’s saying that they should ditch me and not wake me up to leave. Eric just quietly bickers with her and says that they need me. I get up, put the gun in the back of my pants, and open the door without hesitation. “Do you have a problem with me, Sony? As you may know, we can’t exactly “take this outside” to talk or anything. So I need you to come into this tiny little room with me and tell me what your problem is.” She looked at me like I was a bat out of hell, surprised that I stood up for myself. She walked into the room and said, “Cadence, we all just met you. I don’t want to start anything, but we don’t know anything about you. We’ve had problems with other groups before is all. We don’t have much trust in people these days as you can imagine. All I care about are getting these kids to a safer place.” I thought carefully about what sentence should escape my mouth next, because I have a tendency to put my foot in my mouth. “I understand your concern, and I know you can’t trust me, but all I can say is to try. Now, the only reason I need this gun is to kill those mindless bastards out there. I don’t intend to hurt anyone in here or steal anything from you. I hope you will come to realize that I’m not in that kind of survival mode…yet. I haven’t lost all of my humanity like some people have. Please just keep that in mind.” She nodded and apologized. Eric then spoke up, “We need to leave in about 20 min. Get your stuff together, I’ll wake up Darian and the kids.” We all obviously skipped breakfast and had everything packed up and ready to go in 15 minutes. We put our ears to the door and the thin walls to listen to what’s going on outside. We heard slight shuffling but other than that, it seemed like the pathway might be pretty clear. Darian slowly cracked the door to sneak a peek. He didn’t see anything, so he stuck his hand out to take the outside lock off when suddenly a Feral bit into him and he screamed. He pulled his hand back and I shut the door. I put my hand over his mouth and whispered, “Don’t make this harder for the rest of us. Your scream will draw attention. I’m sorry…” He whimpered and prayed to a God he’d once forgotten. “The bite will turn you in about 24 hours. I’m sorry, but there’s nothing we can do. You have only two options. We kill you, or you do.” His eyebrows suddenly raised and his face got really red. Sony ran over and said, “What are you doing?! We can’t leave him here!” Eric looked up at me and looked down at the axe in his hand. “Sony, take the kids into the other room, close the door, and cover their ears.” Sony stood stiff as a board in shock of what Eric just told her to do. She didn’t question him though. She gathered the kids, went into the room, and followed Eric’s orders.  Darian’s whimpering increased and all he said was, “Do it quickly..” Eric raised his axed, fixed his position, and brought the weapon down on Darian’s neck. Eric looked away as blood spattered on his face. I looked directly at him as he died, not caring whether the blood got on me. I watched his face as his mind was racing with impatience. He was terrified. When the axe came down, his head hit the wall and rolled onto the ground. Eric and I moved the body into the corner and put a jacket over him, along with his head. Eric then told Sony to come out with the kids. “We have to go now, so let’s hope we didn’t make much noise.” We tried a second round of listening through the walls. I cracked the door this time and didn’t see anything, but to check the blind spot I grabbed a long object next to me and stuck it outside of the door to see if anything would grab it. It wasn’t the most efficient thing to do, but it’s not like I had a mirror to see what’s out there. I waited five minutes and took the lock off to open the door. The alley was clear and I signaled for the group to follow me. Eric told his kids to be quiet and to remember not to be scared because he’d protect them. We turned the corner and swiftly walked and then began to run in the direction Eric told us to. There was a crowd of Ferals trying to approach us but they were luckily very behind. We reached the docks and were out of breath as we looked around at what was left. There was a massacre here; Children, families, animals, all dead. They were all shot down before they could reanimate... probably by the military or a large group or something. There were only a few boats left and one was completely trashed. There was a sailboat that looked pristine and untouched. It had huge cursive lettering on it. The name of the boat was Selene. I told everyone to stay back while I walked up there to check out if anyone or anything was inside the boat. I slowly approached Selene and reached behind my back to get my gun when I heard a scream. It was coming from behind me, so I turned around and saw a huge hoard that seemed to come out of nowhere approaching the group. One of the Ferals apparently bit the little girl on the shoulder. The little boy tried to stand up for his sister and started kicking the monster that hurt her. As the girl fell to the ground in pain, the boy turned to check on her and was bitten himself. The Feral grabbed him and bit his ear off. I just stood there…frozen. There were about 50 feet away from me and I could’ve helped them, but I just stood there in amazement, watching everything unfold. Eric screamed and chopped off the Feral’s head and ran to get his daughter and son away from the approaching danger. I raised my gun, and shot a Feral that was behind Eric. Two more bullets left. I shot again at another one and hit two of them at once, killing one and blowing the other’s arm off. Everything was happening so fast. Sony had already been bitten and Eric was just sobbing in fear or his children’s lives, kneeling on the ground, not even looking at what was behind him. He held his daughter as she cried out, “I don’t want to die, daddy.” Eric then looked up at me and screamed, “Go!”  15 seconds, that’s all it took for hell to break loose. I quickly unraveled the roped to the boat and hoped there wasn’t anything inside waiting for me. The rest of the Ferals were walking toward me, reaching out for more. I started the boat and the city slowly started becoming smaller and smaller as I made my lonely escape, assessing what just happened. One bullet left. 

Special Guest Writer -Celeste

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